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Home CCTV a must - Met Police Commissioner

A call has been made by Met Police Commissioner Bernard Hogan Howe to all businesses and home owners

BS 8418 Installation Code Updated

The British Standards Institution (BSI) has finally revised in full the standard which ensures that the integrity and effectiveness of an installed CCTV system is not compromised.

How Remote Monitoring Systems work in the commercial industry

How Remote Monitoring Systems work in the commercial industry and how effective are they? See below article for detailed information.

Access Control Gets Personal

With cross-border travel, crime and fraud now easier than ever, biometric technology offers a reliable and cost effective way to manage identities for security and authentication purposes.

Differences in alarm systems with/without police response

As far as the police are concerned there are also two types of alarms; Type A and Type B and there’s a big difference between them.  The table below identifies the differences.